Asmita Infosys

Raibori Airforce Gate
Mobile : +91-9859913406
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Bharadwaj Software is for Shops maintaining Purchase, Sale of items with Barcode support, Generation of Invoice, Maintaining Inventory, GST Calculation, Vendor Payment and Ledger Details, Customer Money Receipt with Ledger Details, Miscellaneous Expenses & Income, Multi-client Structure with different login and Menu Access Rights. Platform : VB 6.0 & SQL Server.

• Maintenance of Item Categories along GST percent.
• Maintenance of Item Manufacture Details.
• Maintenance of Sale Margin.
• Maintenance Document Account Codes.
• Create & Maintenance of Logins
• Granting of Menu Access Rights.
• Bank Details Maintenance.
• Maintenance of Payment Modes.

• Maintenance of Vendor details and Auto-Generation of Vendor Code. The details maintained like :
Vendor Name, Mobile NO, Email Address, Address, Bank Details, Regd NO

• Maintenance of Customer Details and Auto-Generation of Customer Code. The details maintained like :
Customer Name, Mobile NO, Email Address, Address, Bank Details

• Maintenance of Service Engineer Details and Auto-Generation of Service Engineer Code. The Details maintained like :
Service Engineer Name, Mobile NO, Email Address, Address, Bank Details

• Purchase of Items ( MRN001 ) from Vendor. The MRN001 will result in the increase of Stock of particular Item and the Total Amount will Credited to Vendor's Ledger. While adding items for purchase, The details that will be maintained are :
Item Category, Manufacture, Specification, Model SlNO, Barcode SlNO, Sl NO, Qty, Rate, Amount

• Payment to Vendor via ( FTCR01 ). The amount will then be debited to Vendors Account there by maintaining Vendor’s Ledger.
• Sale of Items ( MSN001 ) to Customer. The MSN001 will result in the decrease of Stock of particular Item and the Total Amount will Debited to Customer’s Ledger. While adding items for purchase, The details that will be maintained are :
Item Category, Manufacture, Specification, Model SlNO, Barcode SlNO, Serial NO, Qty, Rate, Amount

• In Sale ( MSN001 ), Items can be easily search with any criteria like By Description, Using Barcode Scanner, Serial no etc.
• Generation & Printing of Sale Invoice.
• Money to be received from Customer ( FRDB01 ). The amount will then be Credited from Customer’s Account there by maintaining Customer’s Ledger.
• Generation and Printing of Money Receipt.
• Maintenance of Item Call Register maintenance. This is basically for when Customer register complain for Item Repair. This will maintain info like
Customer code, Item Category, Serial NO, Other Info Problem/Desc, Call Status etc

• This module will show which are the calls are pending for Rectification or the Closed. This will Generate Call Log NO.
• Whenever the Call is attended by Service Engineer and the Call is closed, The Service Charge can be posted via Item Call Service Charge ( ICSC001 ). The amount will then be Credited to Service Engineer’s Account.
• Payment to Service Engineer via ( FTCR02 ). The amount will then be debited to Vendor’s Account there by maintaining Service Engineer’s Ledger.
• Upon closing the call, The Bill/Invoice for Item repair can be generated via Item Repair Maintenance Charge ( IRMC001 ). The Amount will then be Debited to Customer’s Ledger.
• Generation & Printing of IRMC001 invoice.
• There can be various Miscellaneous Expenses like Salary, Office Rent, TA, DA etc which can punched via Amount Payment Credit Miscellaneous ( APCM01 ).
• Generation & Printing of Payment Vouchers.
• There can be various Miscellaneous Income from Other Source which can punched via Fund Receive Debit Miscellaneous ( FRDM01 ).
• Generation & Printing of Money Receipt.

All the transactions can be reversed only by Cancellation
• Cancellation of Purchase ( MRN001 ).
• Cancellation of Sale ( MSN001 ).
• Cancellation of Item, Repair, Maintenance Charge ( IRMC001 ).
• Cancellation of Item Call Register Maintenance ( ICRM001 ).
• Cancellation of Vendor Payment ( FTCR01 )
• Cancellation of Service Engineer Payment ( FTCR02 ).
• Cancellation of Money Receive Customer ( FRDB01 ).
• Cancellation of Item Call Service Charges ( ICSC001 ).
• Cancellation of Fund Adjust Posting – Vendor ( FAAN03 ).
• Cancellation of Fund Adjust Posting – Customer ( FAAN04 ).
• Cancellation of Fund Adjust Posting – Service Engineer ( FAAN05 ).
• Cancellation of Miscellaneous Expense ( APCM01 ).
• Cancellation of Miscellaneous Income ( FRDM01 ).

• List of Purchases ( MRN001 ) between dates showing detailed list of purchases between dates along with Vendor wise Summarized Amount and Total Amount.
• List of Sale ( MSN001 ) between dates showing detailed list of sale between dates along with Customer wise Summarized Amount and Total Amount.
• List of Item Repair Maintenance Charge ( IRMC001 ) between dates showing detailed list of Item Repair between dates along with Customer wise Summarized Amount and Total Amount.
• Stock Balance showing Item Description, QOH, Rate, Model SlNO, Serial NO etc.
• List of Vendor Payment between date showing detailed list along with Vendor wise Summarized Amount and Total Amount.
• List of Fund Adjustment Posting Vendor showing detailed list along with Summarized Total Amount.
• Ledger Details of Vendor.
• List of Vendor with their Balances.
• List of Money Receive from Customer between date showing detailed list along with Customer wise Summarized Amount and Total Amount.
• List of Fund Adjustment Posting Customer showing detailed list along with Summarized Total Amount.
• Ledger Details of Customer.
• List of Customer with their Balances.
• List of Serv. Engineer Payment between date showing detailed list along with Serv. Engineer wise Summarized Amount and Total Amount.
• List of Item Call Service Charges between Dates.
• List of Fund Adjustment Posting Serv. Engineer showing detailed list along with Summarized Total Amount.
• Ledger Details of Serv. Engineer.
• List of Serv. Engineer with their Balances.
• List of Miscellaneous Expenses between dates showing detailed list of Expenses along with Expenses Code wise Amount and Total Amount.
• List of Miscellaneous Income between dates showing detailed list of Money Receive along with Code wise Amount and Total Amount.
• Credit-Debit Listing showing Summarized Code wise Debit (+) and Credit (-) of Amount between Dates.

• Work on Client-Server Architecture that is it works on LAN with Full Security.
• Different Employees can work on software simultaneously.
• Administrator can monitor the work on day to day basis.
• Employee will have different login this would help in tracking their work.
• Every Menus would not be accessible to Employee other than Administrator
• Reports or Queries easily exported to excel with a a button Click.
• Head Office can have total control over its location as they can ask for backup
• Reduces Recurring Cost as it nullifies the need of website for monitoring.
• Backup & Restore facility reduces the Fear of Work hamper due to Machine Crash.
• It can be Customized according to Client’s Need.